Bob Conder

After returning from the Air Force having served our country in Vietnam and Korea, I completed an Electrical Engineering degree and joined HP which moved me to Corvallis where I spent 30 years raising a family and enjoying the great Northwest. Upon my retirement, I looked for other opportunities to be of service to our community. I ran for state office and lost out to Sara Gelser, the by-far-better candidate. I became the President of our local water association and navigated it through a legal challenge to a successful resolution with neighbors.
Then, in 2001 we had a fire in the field in front of my house and my attention was drawn to the fire services that came from the Locke Fire Station. Shortly after that, I started attending the CRFPD Board meetings as a public citizen sitting in and listening to what they were doing. A major project at the time was installing a water cistern in the Oak Creek area.
Around 2005 a seat on the Board opened up and I saw an opportunity to serve my community again. I ran and was elected and by 2010 became the Secretary of the Board mostly due to my abilities on the computer. Then in July of 2015, I was elected by the Board to serve as its Chairman.
In my time on the Board, I have overseen the construction of a fire suppression/sprinkler system at the Locke Fire Station, managed the RRV Scholarship program, promoted the installation of a second water source for the Oak Creek area at the top of Fawnee drive, and negotiated 3 contracts with the CFD on behalf of the District. I also update our website ( and create pages of interest for the District. We have recently installed an upgrade to the site that allows for greater accessibility and compliance with regulations. In addition, I kept track of our Apparatus Replacement Schedule which included the purchase of three used Cal Fire Brush rigs, a new F550 Type VI Brush Rig, the sale of an old Pumper/Tanker to make room for the New F550, and most recently, working with Benton County Fleet Maintenance, we’ve put two new Brush Rigs on order to further enhance the safety of our communities in the Wild Land Urban Interface.
My father once told me we were the lucky ones to live in such a wonderful country and as such we have a duty to give back to the community that supports us.